Dr. Amjad


Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Lebanese University - Lebanon
Diploma in Oral Biology - Lebanese University - Lebanon 
Diploma in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry - Lebanese University - Lebanon


Scope of practice:

1- Case diagnosis and treatment planning 
2- All types of restorations including CAD-CAM
3- All types of crowns
4- Bleaching 
5- Emergency treatments
6- Ceramic bridges 
7- Ceramic veneers

Dr. Diego Alejandro Rodriguez




Specialty of Endodontics - Universidad El Bosque - Colombia

Bachelor of Dentistry - Fundacion Universitaria San Martin - Colombia


Scope of practice:

1-Root canal treatments

2-Root canal re-treatments


4-Emergency treatments

5-Non-vital tooth bleaching

6-Apexification and Apexogenesis

Dr. Eva Joseph Chedid



Master Degree in Pediatric Dentistry -  Lebanese University - Lebanon

Certificate in Dental Treatment under Inhalation Sedation and GA - Lebanese University - Lebanon

Diploma in Oral Biology - Lebanese University - Lebanon

Bachelor Degree in Oral and Dental Surgery - Lebanese university - Lebanon



Scope of practice:

1- Behavior management

2- Treatment of all pediatric cases such as

fillings - fissure sealants - pulp treatments - extractions - space maintainers - fluoride application

3- Treatment under nitrous oxide sedation

4- Treatment under general anesthesia

5- Early diagnosis of malocclusions

6- Emergency treatments for pediatric patients


Dr. Ibrahem Aljumaah

Dental Hygienist 



Bachelor degree of Dental Hygiene - King Saud University - KSA


Scope of practice:

1- Oral and dental examination

2- Dental scaling and polishing

3- Removal of stains

4- Fluoride application

5- Bleaching

6- Patient education


General Dental Practitioner



Specialty Degree in Oral Rehabilitation - Latino Americana University - Mexico

Bachelor Degree in Dentistry - Latino Americana University - Mexico


Scope of practice:

1- Case diagnosis and treatment planning 
2- All types of restorations including CAD-CAM
3- All types of crowns
4- Bleaching 
5- Emergency treatment